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Palo Verde

Nature Safaris Tours

The Tenorio floating trips are great for wildlife viewing. Animals in the wild can be very sensitive to the human presence. Non the less with a good guide that discovers…Continue readingNature Safaris Tours

Nature combination

Tenorio River & Rainforest Tour The river float trip brings up a great opportunity to watch wildlife. A raft with up to 6 passengers is how you travel for 13…Continue readingNature combination

Palo Verde Boat Ride

One of the best wildlife viewing boat excursions in the country can be found in Palo Verde National Park a short distance from Liberia.  Here on the Tempisque River, superlative photo-ops of white-faced capuchin monkeys and giant crocodiles are highlights of this trip. You will also see giant iguanas and exotic birds along the river.

Palo  Verde national park was created in 1974, in order to protect the vast amount of birds that migrate from north and south America. None the less, other creatures such as crocodriles make the wetlands an espectacular habitat for their reproduction. Mammals such as howler monkeys, white capuchin monkeys, long nosed bats, varigated squirrels, white tailed deer and white nosed coati mundi also live in this habitat.

The river side vegetation is called gallery forest, with several sectors of mangrove forest. Both ecosystems offer a great habitat for the wildlife. A good number of fruits, nuts and seed pods will supply the diet needed for the animals. The captain has an eagle eye to search for the animals as the navigation goes on. When wildlife is observed, the boat stops and makes an approach to the animal. The naturalist guide will provide information about the creature.

Duration: 6 hours round-trip approximately.

What to bring: comfortable clothes, camera, bug repellent and sun lotion.

Includes: Round trip transportation, entrance fee, lunch and guide.

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